Art Experiences

About Me

Hi! My name is Susan Stein and my passion is art. Teaching art, creating art, looking at art. In other words, experiencing art. It is especially important that children spend time experiencing art, regardless of whether they are “good at it”. All children are thinkers and creators, and the process is more important than the product. As I teach children art I also teach them problem solving, brainstorming, inventive thinking, autonomy, working together, pride, persistence, intuitiveness, hand-eye skills and so much more! In today’s schools of conformity, children need a way to express themselves, engage their senses, feel uninhibited, try new things, feel good about who they are. In contrast, our fast-paced, connected world of today requires constant innovation and problem solving. The creative thinkers of today will be the successful, happy adults of tomorrow.

Hi! I'm Susan Stein and of my many passions in life,
two of my biggest are art and children. In the process of teaching children art, I also teach them problem solving, brainstorming, inventive thinking, originality, working with others, hand eye coordination, and so much more. It doesn't matter if you're good at drawing or not, everyone will benefit from experiencing art.

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